Saturday, February 5, 2011

StenEd's Review of Major Briefs and Phrases

I added a total of 288 flashcards of StenEd's major briefs and phrases. While a lot of these are no-duh cards its good to practice them and keep them to memory. By cutting out multiple strokes for those that can be easily done in one you can increase your speed dramatically. I try to memorize as many briefs and phrases as I can, though note make sure you practice out the longer-forms too for reading sake! Don't forget to read them back as well. Reading the steno is vital to proofreading and knowing how to sound words out when you don't remember them! 

When using these flashcards here is a hint. When you set them up click AUTO-FLIP and set the speed to so-many-seconds a minute. This will increasing your typing speed and reaction time, and to prevent boredom when studying make sure to keep them randomized. The key is to increase speed and accuracy not to bore you to death. 

If you're not StenED Theory do not use these cards! They could conflict with the words you've learned in your theory

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