Friday, February 4, 2011

Jury Charge/Q&A Briefs and Phrases -> NevCR -> Jury Charge/Q&A Briefs and Phrases

For those who are StenEd's Realtime Conflict-Free Theory I have a treat for you! I got a list of some Jury Charge and Q&A briefs and phrases from my teacher. I put them in flashcard format and this list has over 190 cards that covers everything from basic words and briefs to intense, and long phrases that would kill you to keep up with. Words like "Preponderance of the Evidence" are cut down into one stroke. It really helps up the anti with speed.

However, this is for STENED'S THEORY ONLY! If you are not StenED do not use these briefs for they may conflict with your theory's way of writing. Unless you know your theory left and right, front to back, side to side do not attempt to use these or study these. Unfortunately I can't provide briefs for other theories of study because I don't know their theory nor do I want to learn for fear of conflicting with my own theory.

My flash cards are available here (click here) for the Jury Charge and Q&A Briefs and Phrases. Do enjoy! If there happens to be any typos or any mistakes I didn't notice please leave a comment and I'll fix it immediately. Hope you enjoy. Its going to help me study and I like to share my tools with others.

If you would like a simple list to just print out for your own list have provided them all in a notepad .txt format on Megaupload -> I have no responsibility for Megaupload or anything that may come with it. It is only available to you.

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