
I try to give credit to everyone I potentially could be using material from, either here on the overall copyright form or on the post where the material could have been used from. If you feel that I have taken materials from your website, knowledge, or materials and wish to be credited please e-mail me at with a calmly written explanation, proof/details proving you are the original owner, and details to properly credit you if that has been decided we're going to do.

If you wish to have any materials that belong to you removed from this blog you can also do the above. However, I will not tolerate any hysterics or attacks on my person. I am not looking for profit, only looking to blog and have a good time.

In return, I request that nothing I've posted here be stolen, reposted elsewhere, printed, etc.  If I am required to give overs proper credit for their work you need to do the same for me. I have given my copyright details below.

Nev's CR

Nev. Web log post. Nev's CR. Blogger. Web. <>.

StenEd's Conflict-Free, Realtime Machine Shorthand

StenED, and Beverly L. Ritter. StenEd Realtime Conflict-Free Realtime Theory. 9th ed. Vol. I. Melrose, Florida: Stenotype Educational Products, 2008. Print. Realtime Machine Shorthand Ser.

StenED, Beverly L. Ritter, and Particia P. Rhyne. Realtime Professional Dictionary. 2nd ed. Melrose, Florida: Stenotype Educational Products, 2005. Print. Realtime Machine Shorthand Ser.

StenED, Beverly L. Ritter, John D. Antunovich, and Particia J. Rhyne. StenED Conlict-Free Realtime Reader. 6th ed. Vol. 1. Melrose, Florida: Stenotype Educational Products, 1998. Print. Realtime Machine Shorthand Ser.

StenED, Beveryly L. Ritter, and Patricia P. Rhyne. Realtime Dictionary of Briefs & Phrases. 2nd ed. Melrose, Florida: Stenotype Educational Products, 2005. Print. Realtime Machine Shorthand Ser.


Miller, Michael E. Depoman. PhpBB Group. Web. <>.