Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Computer Revived!

So I guess my computer didn't die. I didn't know it was possible, but apparently we had a virus in our router. The router! I almost didn't believe it, but somehow a virus had gotten into our router and its settings and changed it so it had to go through a proxy server that redirected sites like e-mail and online bank statements to a sites that required you to download a 'Sexy Calculator' or required you to do a survey on 'How to know if you're an Idiot' to get to the page you wanted to go. Even though we always pressed back on our browser and never did download or do any of these things, I still somehow got a virus!

We had to not only install a new OS onto my hard drive (of which we recovered all of my old files) but we had to reset the router to factory settings to get rid of the virus in the first place! We had to also give it a new passcode to access our internet. Its scary!

So yes, somehow we got a virus in our router. I didn't believe it either until I saw it! However, my desktop is recovered and all my files, including my music, is intact. Thank God! Computer Revived!

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