Sunday, January 9, 2011

Machine Speed Shorthand Podcast

Sydney Institute Online -> Machine Shorthand Podcast
Itunes -> Podcasts -> Machine Speed Shorthand ByTAFE NSW

This free blog from Itunes features dictation speeds from 70 to 180 words-per-minute. Their dictation choices vary from small word-by-word dictation, to Q&A drills, all the way to medical and business correspondence. It is from Sydney Institute Online which is located in Sydney, Australia.

It would probably be safe to say that this would be a good practice for dictation with foreign accents. At least for those who are from the United States like I am. These are safe files to put on an Ipod or to leave purely on your computer, and are perfectly free from Itunes. They are protected by copyright however, so I do not know how they would feel about burning them to disc. You would have to read their terms of use, which is available to read at  Sydney Insitute -> Wikispaces -> Terms of Use.

I am planning to feature a place for dictation every Sunday. Being as I am broke, like many students are, I will try not to feature places that require payment for use of their materials. Alas, there are only so many websites out there that are free for student use. If you know of any websites or materials that are free for student use please contact me at

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