Sunday, January 30, 2011

Student Rant on Repetitive, Monotone Audio!

 From: ---> Student Boot Camp --->Student Rant on Repetitive, Monotone Audio!

I'm literally going bonkers here. I have to do this 4:37 audio, at the same speed, nine times. Its really starting to drive me insane, because not only do some things not make sense like the speaker is intending some poetic crusade on peace but he speaks in a monotone way. Usually all the audio is like this, but this one's really starting to irk me.

Since all of you were students at one point how do you tolerate typing up the same thing over and over again? I know consistency is good for word-placement and memorization, but the same speed, nine times means I'm most likely to go crazy by the time I'm out of the last quarter of theory.

Any hints or words of advice? I'm also fighting really hard to keep it completely verbatim and not correct all their way-too-obvious grammatical mistakes.

Examples in some of the audio are:


...The friend told the man to wait for him. The man did not want to be late so he did not stop. He just went to his car and got in. I could see that this made the other man mad. I said to my pal that I thought we should go because there may be a fight. We did not want to get near a fight. Just as we left, we saw the friend run over the hill and start to hit the first man in the back. The first man hit back.

What the? The man got in the car. Is it roofless? Is the car a convertible with the top down? How can the second guy run down the hill and hit the guy who's in the car!? It defies logic to me and has no explanation. This is what some of the audio has us students typing. I could write better stuff than this and keep it down only to the principles we have learned just far, and a brain dead monkey probably could too.

Or our latest one with the word "inflation." Everyone in the class admitted to then hating the word "inflation." They gave it to us over two days and its a 2:28 sound file. Two days, nine times over and over again.

The income of most of us has been increasing. But there is the danger of inflation. Inflation reduces the worth of our cash. Prices increase and inexpensive things cost more and more. When inflation comes, a dollar doesn't buy as much. In most cases the consumer's purchasing power falls in exact proportion to the inflation. Inflation can lead to incapacitation of the dollar. It can inflict great harm on all the citizens of a nation. It can inhibit investing.

To stop inflation, a drive to keep wages and prices down is needed. The program to stop inflation must be in firm hands. These programs must insure that inflation stays under control. Inflation is like an infection. It must be stopped or it will spread. It must be cured or it will kill the inner life of the nation.

I get it! The paragraph is about inflation. Does anyone else, who has done StenED theory, understand my plight? These paragraphs are read so slowly, so monotone, so repetitive and by the time you've done it the third time you've memorized the damn thing and could probably do it 2x faster by the sixth time. There's only 3 speeds (30/45/60) and I'm in my 60's with this type of dictation.

Anyone know a program that can speed it up?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ran by Linda Fisher this website features dictation speeds from 40 words-per-minute to 220 words-per-minute. In some cases, the dictation featured goes to even higher speeds for those who are trying to find challenges or preperation for their Certification Tests. Even at 40 words-per-minute these sound files provide difficult Medical and Legal terminology, and even feature letters, high frequency words, and paragraphs such as the duties of a paralegal.

For those looking for a challenge, or for those preparing for the RPR, CSR, or any other tests these sound files are highly reccomended. However, you must have a computer and an internet connection to use these files for they are not avilable to download. You have to listen to them on site, and cannot put them on an Ipod, CD, or anything of the sort.

For those who are still in theory, a professional dictionary is highly reccomended because even though they are at low speeds the terminology is very difficult to keep up with.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Name Change

After my oatmeal incident, and my new quote/signature for forums, I decided to rename Nev's CR to 'The Court Reporter's Oatmeal.' Nev's CR isn't really memorable, and I want to keep people coming back to my blog if I can. I think the new name is catchy and memorable, and would come up better on searches for those who may look for my blog. So voila, Nev's CR is now "The Court Reporter's Oatmeal."

Of course the topics are the same, just the name has changed.

On another note, I must be a huge smooch. I was looking at my stats and someone posted my blog on Pingy which promotes blogs and their websites. I got some traffic from Pingy, and because I really love having followers that I can e-mail and talk to, I decided to do it too. So whoever posted it, thank you and love you bunches! Now excuse me while I spam Pingy...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Then there is Oatmeal

I have found a new expression for when things are going bad, and you don't think it could get must worse. Since I have already posted the explanation on my favorite forum here I must share it with my blogging audience.

Today, I got up this morning bright and early at 5:40 AM for my morning Theory Two class. I'm feeling rather good, just groggy, and I don't think anything could get much worse than waking up so early after a long, exhausting night class. Well, lately I have been enjoying warm oatmeal for breakfast but I like the texture to be warm and thick (and not in a dirty way you perverted buffoons). So I've been adding milk to the mixture instead of water.

The only problem is that to get it just right it takes three, one minute heatings followed by stirring it inbetween. So needless to say its near boiling by the time its just right. As I headed to the couch to enjoy my morning meal I tripped and flipped this boiling hot bowl of oatmeal onto my left hand. So not only did I have to forget about going to the morning class I so joyously woke up for, but I'm struggling not to scream explicits for the world to hear. I had to forget about working on my machine as well, because my fingertips were threatening to blister. Thank goodness for ointment and ibuprofen.

So when you think it couldn't get much worse, then there is oatmeal.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thank You

I'd like to thank the people who publicly decided to follow my blog within its first week. Its great to know that my little rambles are actually read, and I wouldn't have imagined having three followers, two of them public, within my first week of blogging. I really want to strive to have a blog that offers things to read for everyone, not just students, and not just professionals. However, being as I am a student I suppose it'll be more leaned towards that.

Thank you for the support those who are following me! I really appreciate it; if you would like to suggest topics, ideas, or anything of the sort you may want posted or written just e-mail me at with the topic title of "Nev's CR: <Topic here>".

Its great motivation to continue knowing I have supporters of what I'm doing.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How did I get out of theory one with this writing?

So I'm in my second quarter of theory now and we're working on speed takes. Most of the class has already passed their 30's and are working towards their 40's, 50's, or 60's. On the audio at home I have no problem writing a 60 words per minute take, though maybe that made me feel a bit too enthusiastic or cocky. I stumbled on almost all my words, even the basic briefs I know by heart, trying to keep up with it. I didn't even dare look at it after I typed the take. All that echoed through my mind was "How did I get out of theory one with this writing?"

So my confidence goes down, and I calm down a bit, and we have a 50 words per minute take. I think this one is going to be horrible and intentionally slow down on purpose a bit to make cleaner notes. I go to type it up in the real time lab, just to see if I did well, and voila! I actually passed my take with less than 2 errors which were just punctuation and I put "this" instead of "that" for one word.

Basically, slow down and work on quality not quantity. You may be behind, but the human mind has the potential of remembering a lot. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Antioxidant Max Green Tea

In this Field of study its hard to find some motivation sometimes. This quarter I'm taking 5-days-a week of classes and today I need to get a bunch of rip and reads and audio done. However, when I get that done I don't get to look forward to taking a rest. I have to head to my night class at 6:15 PM until 9:45 PM, and wake up at 5:40 AM  the next morning just to get to my 8:15 AM class on time.

It was really difficult managing to get myself up this morning, but yesterday while doing a bit of shopping I found a new tea that caught my interest. Its Dragon Fruit Melon Antioxidant Max Green Tea created by Celestial Seasons. I was a bit wary of trying it, because usually don't like the taste of Dragon Fruit, but the combination of melon and green tea along with it was awesome. It has the highest content of Antioxidants, which "are substances that may protect your cells against the effects of free radicals." Green Tea also helps rejuvenate and inspire energy in the body. 

Not only did this tea help me get my caffeinated boost this morning, but along side a bowl of Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal it really helped me feel refreshed and ready for my hell of a week. I've already had one full mug (approximately three cups worth) and I'm working on another mug full. 

This tea is great for motivation when you've got homework and speed takes hanging over your head, while the prerequisites you have to go to at night torment you. 

Picture Source: Celestial Seasons - > Products -> Dragon Fruit Melon Antioxidant Max Green Tea

Monday, January 10, 2011

Jet Stream Rolling Bag

As a full-time student its a bit difficult to carry all my supplies sometimes. I bought my machine from for a good price. Its just a standard Stentura 200, no realtime or battery; just a basic manual writer and its supplies because that's all I needed for theory. It came with a soft-sided case, but it was ridiculously heavy with everything packed in there. I wanted to get a small, rolling bag since all I had was the machine, tripod, and paper tray I needed everyday but they were all so expensive or looked ridiculous.

Today on a chance encounter in Walgreens I managed to buy for $10.00 a Jet Stream 18' Upright Pullman! It fits all my supplies, just barely, but now all I have to carry on my poor body is my backpack. Its really good for just a basic, manual writer set. It fits the paper and tripod in the zip-accessory section of the bag and my writer with its jet bag and my paper tray right in the base of it.

Its so much nicer not having to buy a $200 rolling bag for a machine. Being able to find something that fits everything for a cheap price is fantastic, and its small enough to take into our super small realtime lab at the college with no problems.
Picture Source: --> JetStream --> New Travel Carry On Suitcase On Wheels With Extendable Handle

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Machine Speed Shorthand Podcast

Sydney Institute Online -> Machine Shorthand Podcast
Itunes -> Podcasts -> Machine Speed Shorthand ByTAFE NSW

This free blog from Itunes features dictation speeds from 70 to 180 words-per-minute. Their dictation choices vary from small word-by-word dictation, to Q&A drills, all the way to medical and business correspondence. It is from Sydney Institute Online which is located in Sydney, Australia.

It would probably be safe to say that this would be a good practice for dictation with foreign accents. At least for those who are from the United States like I am. These are safe files to put on an Ipod or to leave purely on your computer, and are perfectly free from Itunes. They are protected by copyright however, so I do not know how they would feel about burning them to disc. You would have to read their terms of use, which is available to read at  Sydney Insitute -> Wikispaces -> Terms of Use.

I am planning to feature a place for dictation every Sunday. Being as I am broke, like many students are, I will try not to feature places that require payment for use of their materials. Alas, there are only so many websites out there that are free for student use. If you know of any websites or materials that are free for student use please contact me at

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Section 25-2 Briefs

Americans - MERN/(S)
city - STI
gallon - GAL/LON or GLON
income - N-K
New York - NORK
President - P*T (capitalized form)
president - P-T
Senate - SNA*T (capitalized form)
senate - SNAT
Speaker of the House - SMO*US
there were - THR - RP
Vice President - V*PT (capitalized form)
vice president - V-PT

January 7, 2011

January 7, 2011

accept - SEP
accident - SDENT
account - K-T
advertise - TIZ
argue - ARG
busy - BIZ/S*EU
City - ST*I (capitalized form)
city - STI
company - KPA*EN
Company - KPA*EN (capitalized form)
copy - KOP/PI
customer - CUST/MER
damage - DAJ
idea - Y-D
inform - N-F
information - N-FGS
office - AUFS
remember - REB
suggest - SUGT
suggestion - S*UGS
witness - WNS or W*NS

January 3, 2011

Balance - BAL/LANS
Cancel - KANS/EL
Carry - CAEUR/RI
Crude - KRAOUD
Egg Nog - EG/NOG (Because NOG = Nothing as a brief)
Fingers - FING/ER/(S)
Help - HEL/P or HE*P
Items - AOEU/TEM
Mean - MAOEN
Minimum - MIN/MUM
Money - MUN
Old - OELD
Particular - PLAR
Particularly - PLAR/LI
Receipt - RE/SAOEPT
Represent - REP
Risks - RIS/K/(S)
Service - SER/VIS
Simple - SIFRPL

Nev's Steno Book

Woo Hoo! So I made it out of monotonous Theory One and made it into Theory Two. I made it to the second quarter.

In Theory Two you get to start passing the speeds. Just this week I typed up and passed my 30 words-per-minute straight matter, and I believe my 40 words-per-minute straight matter. I just haven't had them handed back to me yet. There's a lot of concepts still to be covered in theory that I haven't been introduced to yet. So I have to type the words in syllables until I learn the correct form or brief later on.

While in the midst of take or homework if notice I take an extended time trying to figure out how to take the word down in steno I write in down in a notebook. When I get home I look it up in the dictionary and put it in my 'Steno Book'.

Whats funny is back when I was a child I was fascinated with words. I had a small notebook that I'd write words in if I didn't know them in the places I went to. I remember writing the word down 'chalupa' when Taco Bell started selling them. So this is where I got the idea: from my childhood.

So while doing homework, speed takes, or looking for a new brief for a word I've used a lot I write it down in my Steno Book at home, look it up in the dictionary, and then practice them to memory while studying.

Some of them are a bit obvious to others, but in our theory we haven't even covered 'ly' words yet. We're only on chapter twenty-five in StenEd and there's forty chapters in total. So this helps me expand my vocabulary in steno, without going ahead of the class or getting in over my head.

Its a bit of coming back to my childhood. I lost my precious word book one day as a child, and my parents wouldn't let me look for it, so coming up with a 'Steno' book is a way of retouching with that. I think there's a reason all my friends and family say that me working to become a court reporter isn't surprising at all. I did a lot of these methods as a child being fascinated with English. Now, as an adult, I'm fascinated with Steno. 

Posted @ Forum Index -> Student Boot Camp -> Nev's "Word Book"

New Blog!

So, I regularly post at They have great support, and a lot of great court reporters, but I feel sometimes I ramble with my need to share different tools, study tips, and briefs. Everyone is different, and not everyone wants to hear the opinion of a student just getting into her second quarter of theory. So I decided to create my own blog so I only ramble to people who may actually want to hear it.

My nickname on the web is simply "Nev." Currently I'm a court reporting student in theory two at Humphreys College in Stockton, California. There is also a campus on Modesto, but for court reporters unfortunately you can only go there for prerequisites. I'm a full-time, broke student who came straight out of high school to court reporting. I'm the youngest in all my classes, but I'm an adult.

I suppose I would be noted for being incredibly random. I don't have a problem with sharing random thoughts or ideas, and while sometimes I want to smack myself for verbalizing them, I'm generally liked in my classes. I'm just noted for being a bit eccentric or "weird."

I do a lot of research on different study tools, briefs, supplies, and the like. I like sharing them a lot, so I decided to put them all in one spot to make it easier for both myself and others to keep up with my flip-flop, change-the-topic, mind.

Thanks for Reading,